Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is in-depth, comprehensive editing focused on structure, organization, clarity, and content. In the case of fiction and creative nonfiction—the only genres I work with—this also includes plot development, character development, and other elements of craft. Developmental editing includes a comprehensive manuscript critique, detailed explanation of problems, and tangible…

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Copyediting involves correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors, along with addressing problematic syntax. Copyediting also addresses formatting issues—for instance, ensuring uniformity of headers, footnotes, and reference lists. Changes will be made based on a style guide of the client’s choice. A copyedit takes place after the manuscript’s content, organization,…

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Proofreading is the last step in the editorial process—a final “polish” of a manuscript ready for publication. At the proofreading stage, the editor corrects spelling, mechanical, and grammatical errors only. (Awkward phrasing, unclear sentences, or syntax problems will be untouched.) Additionally, when proofreading galley copies or page proofs, the proofreader…

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Resume and Cover Letter Services

Without a well-written cover letter and resume, you’ll never land an interview to prove you’re the best candidate for the job. I will rewrite your current resume to reflect current trends and styles, making sure to highlight your achievements and make you stand out from the majority of job-seekers, whose…

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College, Graduate School, & Professional School Admission Essays

Whether you’re proofreading your Common App personal essay, drafting a personal statement to submit with your college application, reducing the word count for your grad school statement of purpose, or brainstorming ideas for a program’s supplemental essay questions, I can help you through the process. I was an academic advisor at Lakeland University…

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Andria Williams,

I love getting feedback from Signe on a piece of writing. I've always felt that her comments were dead-on, both on the micro and macro level. She gets to the heart of what is working with a piece, and what isn't, and her suggestions for improvement are clear, insightful, and very smart.

Andria Williams, author of The Longest Night
Erik Richardson,

Signe is an incredible editor. She worked with me in publishing my book, and the combination of personal attention and professional perspective was just what an author needs. Her attention to detail was phenomenal, and her openness to authorial conviction was reassuring. Every author needs someone like Signe in their corner.

Erik Richardson, author of a berserker stuck in traffic
Erin Wilcox,

Signe Jorgenson is that rare editor who can illuminate a story's core or copyedit the surface of the prose with equal alacrity. An asset to any creative project. Two thumbs up!

Erin Wilcox, Owner of Wilcox Editing
Publishers Weekly,

[This memoir] was exceptionally well edited.

Publishers Weekly, Review of Juliane Lee's Thunderclap: A Defining Silence
Lisa Vihos,

I have worked with Signe Jorgenson as an editorial colleague for over five years, and I am regularly impressed by her abilities and determination to do the job right. She is careful, thoughtful, and most importantly for an editor, thorough. I have never heard her say “oh, it’s probably fine.” She will check a usage precedent and then double check, if need be. In addition to being an ace with grammar and punctuation, she knows how a story should be told. I have witnessed her give constructive, thoughtful content feedback to many writers. Signe can always see the big picture. She brings creativity and innovation to every project by stepping back to look skillfully at the work as a whole. This is what has made her such an excellent co-editor in chief at Stoneboat and Pebblebrook Press. As a writer and an editor myself, it is a pleasure to work with her, and I learn something new from her every time we work together.

Lisa Vihos, Stoneboat & Pebblebrook Press Poetry Editor and author of This Particular Heaven
Mark Zimmerman,

From June 2014 until May 2015 Signe Jorgenson worked as Pebblebrook Press’s lead editor on my book Impersonations. Her work encompassed every aspect of the project, from the receipt of the initial manuscripts to the actual publication of the book. Jorgenson’s editorial suggestions and decisions on matters such as font selection, page design, punctuation, line breaks, diction, and the order in which poems would finally appear were valuable contributions that resulted in making Impersonations a better book than it would have been otherwise. Over the course of the year that we worked together, I found her to be a reliable pro at every step and a pleasure to work with. I hope to work with her again on future projects and I recommend her to other writers as an editor that can be trusted to do excellent work.

Mark Zimmerman, author of Impersonations